
Showing posts from May, 2024

Tech Class Vs. STREAM

β€œTo develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” β€” Leonardo Da Vinci I recently had a conversation with a parent who was confused about what their child does in my classroom.   "I thought you teach Technology," they said.  "I do," I replied, then added, "But that's only one part of what I do."  I then explained how though I do include tech as part of my curriculum, "T" is among five other, equally important letters. Here's my opinion: Technology is absolutely important for todays young learners.   Here's my  other  opinion: Technology should absolutely not be the primary focus of STREAM education.   In 2021, Sadlier published a blog post in which the author noted: " A successful STREAM approach seamlessly integrates ideas from the six disciplines into learning experiences. It is a vision that requires planning, development, su...


  Cardboard Arcade 1st Place: St. Mary's of Lancaster 2nd & 3rd: St. Gregory the Great  Fashionably Yours Level 2 1st Place SSPP Hamburg Level 3 1st Place St. Mary's of Lancaster Kitchen Chemistry 1st Place: Christ the King 2nd Place: SSPP Hamburg 3rd Place: St. John the Baptist 4th Place: St. Stephen's VEX IQ Full Volume Robotics Challenge 1st Place: St. Andrew's Country Day School - Mr. Robot 2nd Place: DeSalles - TED Additional students participated in our Science Fair, which included some terrific exhibits (we're told Bishop Mike was especially fascinated by the Fast Food exhibit!)  We appreciate all of the participating schools! Representing the Diocese include: Christ the King  Snyder DeSales Catholic School  Niagara Falls Our Lady of Victory  Lackawanna St. Andrew's Country Day School  Kenmore St. Christopher's  Tonawanda Sts. Peter & Pau l Hamburg Sts. Peter & Paul  Williamsville St. Amelia's  Tonawanda St. Gregory th...